Permanent vs. Temporary Holiday Lights: Which Option is Right for You?

permanent christmas lights

Happy New Year, everyone! Can you believe how fast last year flew by? Its crazy to think about, though I bet theres something else on your mind right now too. With the holidays behind us, its time to take down your lights. I know, I know, no one wants to say goodbye to the festive vibe they give, but thats what makes them so special.

Of course, you might have another option too. Have you heard of permanent holiday lights? My friends at Twinkle Nights can help you with that in addition to their world-class temporary displays. So Sparkle, why would someone choose one over the other?” Thats an excellent question! Considering the year-round spectacular lights we have at the North Pole, Tom asked me to share my insights on the positives and negatives of temporary and permanent lights.

So hold on to your hats, my friends, as we take a sleigh ride through the various reasons you would choose temporary lights or permanent ones for your home.

The advantages of permanent holiday lights

permanent Christmas lights

Lets begin by looking specifically at the advantages of permanent holiday lights. These are growing in popularity because of the first benefit I wanted to highlight: customization. This applies both to the holiday season and for other times of the year. For example, if you want to embrace the festive Fourth of July, its easy to change your permanent lights from a Christmas shade to something patriotic.

Specifically regarding the end-of-year holiday season, theres a convenience factor that cannot be understated with permanent lights. This is one reason why so many homeowners and businesses turn to Twinkle Nights in the first place. The experts there make installation a breeze. In the case of permanent lights, once theyre installed, youre done. Theres no more climbing the ladder each year!

Finally, permanent lights are highly durable. I wanted to leave you with that thought before looking at the downsides.

A few downsides to keep in mind

That durability comes at a higher initial cost. Youll need to spend more money upfront to get going with permanent holiday lights because you need something thats high-quality, made to last, and looks amazing. There is often more involved, with some homeowners building them into the eaves of their rooflines in creative ways. But hang on, I’ll talk about that in just one moment. Just remember that this type of setup will often lead to an initially higher price point for permanent lights compared to temporary ones. This is probably the primary downside.

Now, as I mentioned, there’s sometimes a concern about visibility during the off-season, which is why I mentioned the built-in solution. A covered track system can eliminate this concern completely, giving you a one-and-done approach to exterior lighting.

The pros of temporary holiday lights

So what about temporary holiday lights? Well, these have several advantages including their wide availability. Tom and his crew will always recommend C9 bulbs and professional-grade hooks for the home installer, though they’re fond of direct from the factory options that offer an even higher-quality solution than you’ll find anywhere in-store locally.

Generally speaking, temporary holiday lights have a lower upfront cost because theyre meant to be replaceable, lasting for about five years in the elements. Finally, another major reason so many go with this option is that they like the flexibility of different holiday layouts, using their creativity each year to come up with different ideas every time.

Several disadvantages to this style of lights

This, of course, takes time to figure out. It also takes time to manage, both the installation (including lots of up and down trips on a ladder) and the removal process.

Oh, and after you take the lights down, you have to store them somewhere. While totes in your garage and basement are usually sufficient, you still need the space for said containers!

And this brings me to one of the biggest headaches of all. As we all know by now, nothing packs away the way it came from the store. From your lawn ornaments to your inflatables to your lights, it takes time to wind things up and pack them away the right way — assuming you can get them to fit in the first place!

Which is best: permanent or temporary holiday lightspermanent christmas lights 2


So, with three pros and three cons of each style, by now youre probably wondering which is best for your home or business. And, of course, youre looking to me for the answer!

I always knew this day would arrive! The day I get to give my opinion based on my extensive experience over the centuries. Are you ready for this?

The answer is it depends! Now, hold on before you run away thinking ole Sparkle here misled you. First, do you own the place where youll be installing your permanent setup? If so, that makes your decision much easier. If youre a renter, its unlikely youll be able to go this route.

The same is true for a business. If you own the property, generally speaking, its yours to do with as you please. But, if you lease, you may have to work with the building owner to get an answer.

What I want to do is leave you with a thought that both can work. If you own one, you can have a set of lights that are permanent and other options that are temporary. This will give you the flexibility of temporary solutions with the benefits of permanent holiday lights.

The team that can always help with your needs

Now, when the time comes to make a decision, theres only one choice you should consider: the team at Twinkle Nights. They help with both types of displays, installing and taking down temporary holiday lights while assisting homeowners and businesses with permanent solutions such as gorgeous patio lights, landscaping solutions, and more!

Would you like to get in touch? Then call Twinkle Nights today at 844-820-4613 or send them a message here. And with that, Im going to take a much-needed start-to-the-new-year vacation! See you next time!

Here are some other resources to help light up your holiday season!

The 12 Days of Christmas Explained – The Meaning Behind the Music

The Best Places to See Christmas Light Displays in North Florida

How Much Does It Cost To Hang Christmas Lights?

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